News - 2023 Archive
December 31, 2023

Faya’s puppies are 15 day old!
We have one male reservation available!
December 17, 2023

December 16, 2023

Faya and Mailo’s puppies were born on Friday! Faya gave the birth to three huge boys. Mom and puppies are doing great.
December 14, 2023

Very excited to announce that V Ocean von der Zenteiche was bred to VA Marcello vom Legends Team!
December 10, 2023

Zarah’s puppies are two weeks old!
We have two male reservations and two female reservations available!
November 28, 2023

November 18, 2023

November 14, 2023

November 8, 2023

November 2, 2023

I have to brag about my amazing boy Mailo vom Haus Neufus aka Chico. I am so proud to say that I bred, raised and trained this boy. That makes me even more proud! Mailo was shown today at 2023 USCA GSD National Championship/ Universal Sieger under USCA/ SV Judge Heidi Theis in Richmond, Indiana. Mailo received the rating of V and came in the 1st place in Long coat working class.
November 1, 2023

Jolene’s puppies are three week old. They are just adorable!
Click to take a look at Litter C puppies!!!
October 30, 2023

Zarah is confirmed pregnant and due at the end of November. We are very excited about this litter!
This litter is a top-level, world class breeding with exceptional health and temperament. The puppies will be excellent prospects for sport, showing, and will make amazing pets!
October 21, 2023

Congratulations to my girl Khalessi v. d. Tempelhoeve for passing BH-VT and earning WB title (character assessment test) the last weekend under SV Judge Jens-Peter Flugge in Lodi, Ohio. I cannot forget my other girl Jessie Best of The Gods for earning WB title with such a great report. I am so proud of them!!!
October 19, 2023

Jolene’s puppies are one week old. They are just stunning. There is no other way to describe them. Click to take a look at Litter C puppies!!!
October 17, 2023

Very excited to announce that SG Faya vom Team Barrett was bred to V Mailo vom Haus Neufus. This is a repeat breeding since this combination previously produced large beautiful puppies with amazing temperaments.
October 12, 2023

Our beautiful Jolene gave a birth to five puppies yesterday. We have four boys and one girl. Mom and her huge babies are doing amazing.
One male is available for reservation!
October 5, 2023

Very excited to announce that V Zarah dei Precision was bred to VA Knut von der Wilden Dreizehn!
October 4, 2023
Such incredible three days are over and we finally made it home from the Sieger show from Troutman, NC. I can’t even describe how I am so proud of my dogs. VP1 Zenzi vom Haus Neufus
(4-6 months long coated female)
Sire: VA Zitan v. Repitition
Dam: Ocean v. d. Zenteiche VP3 Zitan vom Haus Neufus
(4-6 months long coated male)
Sire: VA Zitan v. Repitition
Dam: V Ocean v. d. Zenteiche SG5 Khalessi v. d. Tempelhoeve
(12-18 months long coated female)
Sire: VA Knut v. d. Wilden Dreizehn
Dam: V Ocean v. d. Zenteiche SG3 Jessie Best of The Gods
(24 months open class long coated females)
Sire: V Omen v. Frakengold
Dam: V Whisky Best of The GodsV10 Zarah dei Precision
(Working class long coated females)
Sire: VA Asap v. Aldamar
Dam: V Janey dei Precision

September 19, 2023

What an amazing weekend with wonderful dog friends! I don’t even know where to start and how I am proud of my dogs. My dogs accomplished everything and so much more than I was hoping for.
My Zarah dei Precision passed the Breed survey for Life. My amazing boy who I bred, raised and trained Mailo vom Haus Neufus passed the Breed Survey without any practice since it was very quick and spontaneous decision and he managed it like a Pro. He is my other
️ of the day. My devil’s child as my friends are calling her, Khalessi v.d. Tempelhoeve passed AD title.
VP1 Zenzi vom Haus Neufus
Sire: VA Zitan v. Repitition
Dam: V Ocean v. d. Zenteiche VP3 Zitan vom Haus Neufus
Sire: VA Zitan v. Repitition
Dam: V Ocean v. d. Zenteiche V2 Herros aus Gerstbrei HOT, IGP3, Angekort
Sire: V Alta TollHaus Kazmir
Dam: V Ivana von Buchmann

September 10, 2023

Jolene is confirmed pregnant and due in Mid-October. We are very excited about this litter!
This litter is a top-level, world class breeding with exceptional health and temperament. The puppies will be excellent prospects for sport, showing, and will make amazing pets!
August 24, 2023

Mala’s puppies are one week old. They are just stunning. There is no other way to describe them. Click to take a look at Litter B!!!
August 20, 2023

Jolene has been bred to Eikon. Let’s keep the fingers crossed for some beautiful babies!
August 17, 2023

Our beautiful Mala gave a birth to four puppies yesterday. We have two boys and two girls. Mom and her huge babies are doing amazing. I can’t wait to see these grow up.
July 18, 2023

Mala is confirmed pregnant and due in mid-August! We are very excited about this litter!
This litter is a top level, world class breeding with exceptional health and temperament. The puppies will be excellent prospects for sport, showing, and will make amazing pets.
June 20, 2023
Very excited to announce that SG Mala vom Haus Neufus was bred to V1 National show winner 2022 Rocky vom Drache Feld! Let’s keep our fingers crossed for some amazing puppies!
May 17, 2023

We were attending PSC Conformation Show and Breed Survey with SV Judge Roberto Caputi in Claremont, NC. I have shown 2 of my females and both of them did fabulous but our star for that day was Khalessi von der Tempelhoeve. Khalessi won the 1st place out of 7 females and received magnificent critiques. I am so proud of her.
SG1 Khalessi von der Tempelhoeve
(VA Knut von der Wilden Dreizehn x V Ocean von der Zenteiche)
SG4 Jessie Best of The Gods
(V Whisky Best of The Gods x V Omen vom Frakengold)
May 3, 2023

April 26, 2023

I had an amazing time at 2023 GSDCA National and Universal Sieger Show in Wilmington, Ohio. This time I decided to show only two girls of mine and both of them did very well under SV Judge Robert Lang. I am so proud of them! I have to brag a little about my Jessie who became Siegerin in 18 to 24 months Long stock class out of 7 dogs. Jessie was placed first at the beginning of the class and she was able to keep that position until the end of the class. Her performance was amazing and the judge gave her the beautiful critiques. She was my biggest of the day.
SG1 Jessie Best of The Gods
(V Whisky Best of The Gods x V Omen vom Frakengold)
SG6 Khalessi von der Tempelhoeve
(VA Knut von der Wilden Dreizehn x V Ocean von der Zenteiche)
April 11, 2023
We have such great news to announce!
Ocean gave birth to 3 females and 4 males! Mom and the puppies are doing fantastic. We can already see that the puppies have very nice pigmentation and gorgeous heads.
Please please call Jana at 614-452-0001 for availability.
March 31, 2023
Zarah is confirmed pregnant and due the beginning of May! We are very excited about our A Litter!
Contact us to get on the list for a puppy from this top level, world class breeding.
The puppies will be excellent prospects for sport, showing, and will make amazing pets.
March 2023
Welcome to our new website!
We just launched the new Haus-Neufus.com website and invite you to take a look!
We also have three exciting litters planned for this spring. Check out our Upcoming Litters page for all the details!